
Bisnis Pemurnian Air Makin Menggiurkan

Bisnis alat pemurnian air ternyata makin menarik. Hal ini dipicu oleh kebutuhan masyarakat yang semakin sadar dengan pentingnya air bersih dan baik untuk dikonsumsi.

Di saat yang sama, kualitas air di kota besar seperti Jakarta memang terus memburuk. Bagi pengusaha, persoalan ini justeru menjadi peluang bisnis. Salah satunya ditunjukkan Coway Co. Perusahaan asal Korea itu menggandeng PT Semangat Sejahtera Bersama untuk mendistribusikan produk pemurnian air (water purifier) merek Coway. Dengan investasi US$ 10 juta, keduanya membentuk PT Coway Indonesia dengan pembagian kepemilikan 51% Coway SSB 49%.

Hendra, Kepala Unit Bisnis Coway Indonesia berpendapat, bisnis pemurni air di Indonesia punya potensi tak kalah bagus dibandingkan negara Asia lainnya. Menurutnya, produk pemurnian air merek Coway dipakai lebih 50% warga Korea. Pun, setahun ini sudah mulai didistribusikan ke Amerika, Eropa, juga Asia.

Hendra bilang, potensi jualan alat pemurnian air di Indonesia tak kalah dari Malaysia dan Hongkong.

"Ini akan mengatasi berbagai problem kualitas air," papar Hendra.

Adapun konsep bisnis alat pemurnian air dengan sewa. Hendra bilang, tarif sewa mulai dari Rp 250.000- Rp 450.000 per bulan. Daya tampung maksimal air mencapai 11 liter dengan daya maksimal 300 watt.

Hendra mengatakan, alat ini cocok untuk keluarga yang setidaknya perlu 60 liter air saban hari. Tidak hanya untuk air minum, tetapi juga air untuk memasak.

"Setiap air mau habis, ada sensor supaya air disaring lagi, jadi alatnya tidak pernah kosong," jelas dia.

Coway menargetkan produknya terjual 1.500 unit hingga akhir tahun. Di awal ini Coway Indonesia membidik penghuni perumahan kawasan elite dan apartemen.

"Langsung difiltrasi dari keran, cocok sekali dengan mereka yang sibuk tapi memerlukan air bersih," terusnya.

Hendra bilang, masa sewa berlangsung 24 bulan. Jika sudah lima tahun, produk itu menjadi milik penyewa. Ia menambahkan, bahwa modal yang disiapkan sekaligus untuk membangun 5-6 kantor di Indonesia hingga akhir tahun. Ini diawali dengan pembukaan kantor cabang di Gading Serpong, Tangerang.

Tampaknya, kehadiran Coway bakal menemani pemain serupa, Advance. Bedanya, produk Advance diperdagangkan dengan cara dijual. Penjualan pemurni air merek Advance tumbuh 10%-15% tahun ini. Angkanya sekitar 700 - 800 unit per bulan. Adapun 55% penjualan datang dari Jakarta.

Apit Haripin, Chairman Advance, mengakui produk pemurnian air tak lagi menjadi milik kalangan menengah ke atas, tetapi juga kalangan menengah.

"Daya beli masyarakat menengah naik karena ekonomi kita membaik, jadi mereka sangat peduli untuk mencari alat agar konsumsi airnya juga bagus," terang Apit.

Saat ini Advance membanderol tiap unit produknya mulai Rp 4 juta sampai Rp 13 juta. Dia optimistis target pertumbuhan penjualan 15% tercapai tahun ini seiring pertumbuhan jumlah keluarga dan daya beli.


IQAir Purifier Removes More than 90 Percent of Airborne Pollution

Many areas of the country are troubled by air pollution, but it is often believed that inside the home, the air tends to be healthy and clean. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Research has shown that the air inside homes can actually be quite damaging to health, especially in the case of someone who already has a breathing issue like asthma. From mold and bacteria to particulates and gases including carbon monoxide, indoor air pollution is a serious health issue. According to the California Air Resources Board, long-term exposure to air pollution can shorten a person’s life expectancy by 10 years.

An indoor air purifier has received a lot of attention lately for its incredible filtration system and ability to trap even the tiniest of particles. IQAir HealthPro Plus, which is sold by Air Purifiers USA, is the only air purifier with HyperHEPA® filter technology, which has been proven in rigorous independent testing to effectively trap the tiny particles.

“Tiny airborne ultrafine particles are the most harmful because they penetrate the most deeply into the lungs and bloodstream,” explained company spokesperson Barry Midwinter.

“Multiple studies link ultrafine particles to increased risk of asthma, heart attacks, strokes and even cancer.”

Studies have found that the ultrafine particles, which by definition are smaller than 0.1 microns, represent more than 90 percent of airborne pollution, thus the need for a filter like the HealthPro Plus that can handle these super tiny particles.

“IQAir is the first and only home air purifier proven to filter ultrafine particles all the way down to 0.003 microns - the smallest particles that exist,” Midwinter explained. “These are 100 times smaller than what ordinary HEPA filters can stop.”

While it is not uncommon for residences and businesses to have indoor air purifiers, many are simply not doing an adequate job. Ordinary air purifiers may remove only 5 to 10 percent of indoor air pollutants because they are missing the ultrafine particles. The HealthPro Plus Air Purifier, on the other hand, removes more than 99.5 percent of the pollutants in the air. Clearly, the wrong choice in an air purifier can have serious health consequences.

According to the company’s website, the HealthPro Plus is IQAir’s best-selling room air purifier. It is suited for home use, as well as businesses and other establishments that are known for having high levels of contaminants in the air, such as beauty and nail salons, schools, and art studios.


Culloden native a Christian writer, broadcaster

A debilitating case of black mold engulfed his house and threatened his family's health. A famous football coach falls from grace -- after he's written a book with him about winning. These would test the devotion of many a religious man, but not that of nationally recognized author and broadcaster Chris Fabry.

Fabry credits that faith to a moment as a college student when he said to himself, "If God is really who He says He is, maybe I need to do more than just show up in a tie on Sundays."

The Marshall University journalism school and Moody Bible Institute graduate now can be heard daily on the nationally syndicated radio show "Love Worth Finding." He received the 2008 "Talk Personality of the Year" Award from the National Religious Broadcasters. He has published more than 60 books since 1995, many of them fiction for younger readers.

"My parents took us to a little country church in Culloden," Fabry said of his early years. He went to Milton High School through 1979, working at WNST radio. In his senior year at Marshall, Fabry interned for then-news director Bos Johnson at WSAZ-TV. He married his wife, Andrea Kessell, in 1982, and then he realized he felt called to do something more than just report on city council for the 6 o'clock news.

The couple packed up and headed to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago.

"I spoke to my advisor at Moody, and I told him I didn't know my calling. He looked at my resume, and said, 'I see you've done radio, TV, writing -- don't you think God can use that?'

"Radio played a big part in my family's understanding of the Gospel. We were going to a church (from when I was born until I was 8 or 9) that taught that you could never know if you were really a Christian. You had to be baptized in order to become a believer, but after that, you didn't know whether or not you were OK because your actions could separate you from God. Curse at a driver ahead of you and you had lost your salvation. That kind of thing."

But it was listening to Theodore Epp on "Back to the Bible" (at that time aired on WCHS out of Charleston) that convinced his mother that "God's love was given to us in Jesus Christ," Fabry said.

Fabry started working in radio at Moody, and within a year was hosting "Open Line," a national call-in show, which he did for 12 years. Six years in radio in Chicago followed. Along the way, the couple had Erin, Megan, Shannon, Ryan, Kristen, Reagan, Kaitlyn, Colin, and Brandon. Five girls, four boys. They now range in age from 10 to 26.

He met author Jerry Jenkins at Moody, who became a mentor for his writing career.

"He said, 'If you really want to do this, I can help you, but it will be painful.' I didn't mind the hard work -- I had spent a series of years of reading everything in the 808 section of the library, so I was ready."

Jenkins wanted Chris to help with a series he was writing. Together with Dr. Tim LaHaye, Jenkins wrote the first five of the children's series "Left Behind: The Kids." Fabry went on to write the last 35.

In May 2008, he began "Chris Fabry Live!" and won the 2008 "Talk Personality of the Year" Award from the National Religious Broadcasters.

The biggest test of his faith also started in 2008. The family had moved to Colorado in 2000 so he could concentrate on writing. The home that was to be a haven became infected with black mold, and a series of botched repairs and clean-up jobs made the home unlivable and made the family sick.

"You're not supposed to have one Stachybotrys spore in your house," Fabry said. "In our bedroom, there was something like 260,000 airborne spores collected in the air sample."

It affected everyone's immune system, leaving the children chemically sensitive to perfumes, cleaning solutions and more. They were unable to go back to school. The family vacated the house and left everything behind, and euthanized their two beloved dogs, Pippen and Frodo, who could not recover from the mold issues.


Proactively preparing for the Smart Grid

With utility costs rising apparently with little end in sight, many building owners and operators view the potential of Smart Grids and their associated technologies with excitement. The transition of the century-old U.S. power grid, which is the largest interconnected web of technology and machinery on Earth, into a Smart Grid has begun, with technological advancements being implemented in transmission efficiency, integration of intermittent power sources such as solar and wind, distributed combined heat and power systems, and smarter buildings.

Already, Smart Grid pilot projects are showing promising results. In North Carolina, 100 Fayetteville residents and businesses cut energy use an average of 20% during a six-month pilot in 2010. As these systems come online, they can have enough impact to reduce the building of new power plants—an expense that is largely borne by the residential and commercial sectors.

On an individual basis, businesses in some areas are reaping minor benefits from Smart Grid technologies such as two-way communication enabled by smart meters. For example, some business owners currently power down noncontinuous, noncritical operations—from computers and printers to production line assemblies—based on real-time utility pricing—during designated times of peak power usage and rates. Even critical machinery such as cooling and refrigeration systems is being duty-cycled periodically without affecting operational effectiveness.

Many commercial, institutional, and industrial facilities allow utilities to bring on power generation assets automatically to meet utility-grid peak demand and manage alternative energy source integration with the electrical power grid. These are the baby steps that only hint at what lies ahead.

Much work and coordination is needed and underway by the utility, building, and government sectors to make widespread Smart Grid deployment a reality. Owners of existing buildings that are not yet able to participate in these programs may be asking their engineers how they can speed up the process.

While it’s beneficial to stay engaged with local utilities and thereby be apprised of available Smart Grid projects, the reality is that outside forces and factors play a large role in when Smart Grid benefits will be available to a given location. Astute engineers can show building owners that analysis of existing configurations now to identify internal operational improvements—and where it is possible to implement them—is the best way to prepare for Smart Grid technology.

These improvements and the data that drive them, both of which focus on making the buildings smart in themselves, provide real-time feedback on the building’s performance through information gathered from smart utility meters, advanced metering systems, building equipment sensors, occupant surveys, and other mechanisms (see Figure 1). Not only do building performance indicators provide management and operations staff with the information to operate a building for maximum economic, environmental, and social performance in the short term, but the data they provide create valuable benchmarks for building performance over time.

An occupant survey is a vital source of information for improving both a building’s performance and the productivity of the occupants within it. Surveys help owners determine which building services and design features work as intended, and where problems are causing the occupants to intervene or be less productive than optimal.

Occupants who are dissatisfied with their environment will install fans, electric heaters, additional lighting, and other personal improvements—all of which can reduce the satisfaction of other occupants and negatively impact operating costs. Fear of reprisal may prohibit occupants from answering surveys honestly, so respondents should be reassured that all comments are welcome and will be handled sensitively.

Surveys should encourage participants to move beyond the typical enhancements to less-common issues. For example, an occupant might be placing paper over air registers/diffusers because he is cold, or running portable air purifiers because he has a perception, however untrue, that the air in the building is not clean.

Occupant surveys should also incorporate concerns for productivity such as ambient noise. If personnel cannot work effectively because the office environment is open or established as a cubicle farm that does not sufficiently dampen the sound of nearby discussions, productivity will be affected. Likewise, perhaps some personnel do not have enough space to perform their work.

Try to uncover every physical constraint and indoor environmental quality complaint and then make a plan to address them. These benefits can be enormous, as productivity savings routinely exceed direct energy cost returns and provide significant savings.


Jika Udara Bersih Bakteri Mati

Dalam pameran yang di gelar di Atrium Sun Plaza , Minggu (25/9), berbagai produk LG di pamerkan di pameran tersebut. Seperti Air Purifier Lg yang di produksi oleh LG dengan teknologi yang terkenal keunggulannya.

Tito, Branch Manager LG, mengatakan, Air purifier sangat penting untuk bayi baru lahir dan ibu dengan daya tahan yang lemah,  Orang yang menderita masalah pernafasan, orang yang dekat dengan peliharaan, dan orang tua dengan kekebalan tubuh yang lemah, "ujarnya.

Hal ini disebabkan, sistem pemfilteran berlapis 16 tingkat dari LG filter yakni, Filter pasir, Filter Asap, Filter Alergi, Filter Debu Halus, Filter Bau, dan Sterilizer

Dikatakannya, Air Purifier memiliki sistem filter yang dapat di cuci, sehingga bisa dicuci secara optimal, jadi tidak perlu harus mengganti seperti merek Air Purifier konvensional lainnya. Seperti filter Alergi yang tertanam pada air purifier LG ini, yang berfungsi untuk menyerap alergen dan menguraikan protein alergen menjadi substansi baru.

Selanjutnya, substansi itu sendiri akan berubah meskipun beberapa substansi mengalir keluar setelah pembersihan udara, dan ini dapat mengatasi alergi. Penyerapan alergen dan penghilangan berlangsung secara berulang di dalam filter untuk mengurangi alergen.

Sistem sterilizer berfungsi meningkatkan kualitas oksigen di udara yang diserap oleh kipas untuk menjadi steril. Satu juta super anion akan dikeluarkan untuk menghilangkan bakteri di sudut - sudut yang kecil di dalam rumah, dan juga udara yang melewati pembersih udara akan di bersihkan secara optimal hingga 99 persen.

"Gunakan air purifier untuk menciptakan udara yang lebih sehat. Udara lebih bersih dan bebas polusi, " pungkasnya.

Ia menyebutkan, semakin hari polusi udara semakin tak terelakkan. Rasanya sulit sekali mendapatkan udara yang bersih dan sehat. Apalagi di lingkungan kota besar seperti di Medan sekarang ini. Padahal udara adalah salah satu pengantar virus yang paling mudah masuk ke tubuh, " ungkapnya.

Ingin mendapatkan udara yang lebih sehat, dengan penggunaan air purifier (pemurni udara) ini yang merupakan Piranti elektronik dilengkapi dengan penyaring (filter) udara, penghilang bau, dan sensor yang dapat menangkap bakteri - bakteri berbahaya pada udara.

Air purifier sudah  menggunakan teknologi nano, Nano Plasma Ion namanya. Teknologi ini memungkinkan air purifier menyemprotkan ion-ion, yang mampu menangkap berbagai kotoran dan virus.

Bagi mereka yang menderita alergi debu, tidak ada salahnya  memilih air purifier yang memiliki fitur photocatalyst plasma. Fitur ini mampu dengan efektif menyerap debu, pasir halus, atau materi lain penyebab alergi.


Rescue team cover worst-hit Sikkim, 4 roads

Rescue teams have covered almost all earthquake affected areas in worst-hit North Sikkim though four key roads, which connect different parts of the region, continued to remain blocked following Sunday's natural disaster.

Home Ministry officials said that rescue team of National Disaster Response Force, ITBP, Army and other volunteers covered most of the villages in North Sikkim and were of the opinion that death toll may not go up.

71 people were killed and 58 injured in Sikkim in the quake, according to the state government.

Most of the employees and labourers of the Teesta Hydro Electro Project have been counted for and fears of recovery of more bodies in and around the construction site have been dispelled by the rescuers.

Four pregnant women were shifted by ITBP to Mangan Chungthang hospitals. Rescue teams also evacuated 18 more Indian tourists from Rangma Range and nine civilian workers of Teesta project from Pegong. Power supply in Sikkim has been normal except in the some parts of North district. The death toll in North District is 54, West District four and South District one. 12 people died in East District. Ten teams of NDRF comprising 403 personnel along with necessary equipment have been deployed for search and rescue operations. Three teams of NDRF which were located at Gangtok have moved to Mangan and two teams located at Mangan have been deployed for search and rescue operations in villages Ramam, Lingzya and Dzongu.

Two teams of NDRF comprising 14 personnel and 16 personnel each have been deployed at Chungthan and Lachung respectively.

The doctors of the NDRF team deployed at Mangan with medical detachment have set up a medial relief camp at Manul Mangan.

Rescue team cover worst-hit Sikkim, 4 roads
Altogether 827 ITBP personnel are engaged in rescue operations and have also set up relief camps where villagers have been given shelter.

The state government has opened relief camps in each district. 2700 and 550 people have been provided shelter in srmy camps and ITBP camp (Pengong) respectively.

A total of 5,500 army personnel located in Sikkim have been pressed into relief and rescue operations. Out of this, 94 army columns (strength of columns varies from 15-40 personnel each) have been deployed for rescue operation.

Rescue columns comprising 281 personnel deployed at Mangan have set up Integrated Command Centre.

A total of 94 villages have been physically covered by the team of army jawans in their search and rescue operations. Twenty-one Engineer columns have been deployed for restoration of communication on national highways in conjunction with BRO.

A total of 940 civilians have been treated at Military hospitals. 28 civilians evacuated by army helicopters are currently under treatment at military hospitals. More than 2,400 food packets have been air-dropped in the northern part of North District.

Fifteen helicopters of Army and Air Force have been pressed into relief work. For airdropping and reconnaissance, 100 sorties have been carried out so far.

The following roads have also been opened for traffic : National Highway 31-A from Siliguri to Gangtok, National Highway 55 - Darjeeling to Siliguri, Gangtok - Rangrang and Mangan, Mangan - Chugthan, Gangtok - Natu La, Damdim - Alagarh - Rishi - Pedong and Kupup - Nathu La.

Around 3000 blankets, 400 tents, 200 stoves, 500 tarpaulin and several water purifier have been dispatched to the affected areas.


The positive benefits of negative ions

There are a multitude of beneficial natural phenomena that have been placed into existence by our heavenly father.
No, they didn’t just come about any more than a beautifully handcrafted custom designed home just came about by itself. To think it came about spontaneously would be unreasonable-at least.

One such fascinating natural important component that is in our atmosphere is called Negative Ions.
Of course there are positive ions, but, when there is too large a ratio of positive ions - we feel lethargic, depressed and just plain bad.  Also, it would be much easier to catch a cold or the flu while breathing a higher concentration of positive ions.

When there is an abundance of Negative Ions in the breathable air- or our atmosphere, we feel just wonderful.
Just before it storms the air is generally filled with a higher concentration of positive ions, and we usually feel pretty much like a limp dishrag.  Then during the storm the clash of the wind, the lighting and the rain all work together to increase the ratio of Negative ions, and all of a sudden most people have an exhilarated feeling.  We just begin to feel energetic and fantastic.

If you have ever stood beside a beautiful waterfall or water crashing on the surf, you might get the same feelings as these also produce an abundance of negative ions.

Below is a list of several great health benefits produced by Negative Ions: enhanced immune system; increase alertness; increased work productivity and concentration; reduced susceptibility to colds and flu; relief from sinus, migraine headaches, allergies and hay fever; reduced severity of asthma attacks; increased lung capacity; stabilize alpha rhythms (a pattern of smooth, regular electrical oscillations in the human brain. These normally occur when a person is awake and relaxed. The machine used to record these waves is called an electroencephalograph, or EEG. Alpha Rhythms have a frequency of 8 to 13 hertz. Also called alpha wave).

And, increased relaxation - Studies have found that water vapors coming from mineral springs (especially hot springs) have an increased relaxing effect because of the beneficial negative ions generated on their surface. Depression syndrome is reduced or eliminated

What are some of the ways that Positive Ions are produced? discharge of voltage in high-voltage networks; heating and cooling systems; TVs; radios; transmitters; radar systems; computers; exhausts and cigarette fumes, smog; radiation and harmful chemicals and toxins .I do hope you are getting the idea that Negative Ions are a good thing to surround us and to breathe in. How do we get more Negative Ions in our air?

If we don’t live close to running water, the surf or a fantastic waterfall, we still have the opportunity of enjoying the benefits of Negative Ions.

Oh-let me count the ways.  There are Negative Ion machines, clothing that helps to produce negative ions, there are some special real air purifiers that produce negative ions, and there is a piece of therapeutic equipment called Bio Mat.  All these are different types of producers of Negative ions.


How Ozone Air Purifiers Work

There’s a debate raging about the safety of ozone air purifiers. Some love the fresh smell and swear by them. Others are voicing issues concerning the ozone that is a by product of the air cleansing process. Ozone is a pollutant and at excessive levels could cause respiratory problems. This is significantly true for folks dwelling with a condition that causes decreased lung function.

These purifiers work by giving the air a positive cost as it moves by means of the machine. This causes the particles in the air to develop into charged as well. The charged contaminants are dealt with in one among two ways. In some programs, the air simply strikes by means of the machine and is charged. The particles then settle in your partitions, furnishings and carpeting. These have to be vacuumed or dusted away.

Extra common is a system that accommodates a group grid to entice the contaminants within the air. The Ionic Breeze is probably one of the best recognized of these systems. You’ve got probably seen this advertised on late night television. The particles connect to a group grid. You take away the grid and wipe away the contaminants and then substitute the grid in the machine. The grid is easy to scrub with a damp rag. This eliminates the necessity for alternative filters, as with hepa air purifiers.

The controversy over the security of ozone gained publicity a few years ago when Shopper Studies gave the Ionic Breeze a low rating because of the ozone released. The position of Client Stories was that the ozone launched was unhealthy. Sharper Picture disputed this claim and tried to sue Consumer Reviews and the parent company, unsuccessfully.

The brand new Ionic Breeze has a feature referred to as Ozone Guard that is meant to wash the ozone out of the air. While not all the ozone will be eliminated, the extent within the room is lower than with out the Ozone Guard feature. Despite this variation, Client Reviews still gave the system low marks. In response to their testing, the air purifier scored just throughout the acceptable restrict of ozone in the air.

Ozone is especially dangerous for folks with decreased lung function. This contains individuals with bronchial asthma or COPD. For these people, ozone can cause coughing and shortness of breath. Many find the symptoms of respiratory disease turn out to be worse when uncovered to ozone within the air.

Operate the purifier on a decrease setting to scale back the quantity of ozone in your air. If odors are an issue, run the machine on the upper setting if you find yourself not within the room after which turn it to the decrease setting.

Buy a machine made for the size of your room. Utilizing a machine supposed for larger areas in a small room could cause an unhealthy level of ozone within the room. Be sure your unit is acceptable for the scale of your room.

Ensure that the room is nicely ventilated. The extra air circulation, the much less ozone will accumulate within the room. Keep the doorways open to extend air flow.

Home furnishings assist absorb a number of the ozone in your air. A sparsely furnished room will comprise extra ozone within the air than a room with upholstered furniture, curtains, rugs, pillows and different decoration.

Run the equipment when you are not in the room. Flip it off and air out the room earlier than entering. If you are having company, you can run the machine within the empty room and switch it off earlier than your friends arrive. This may take away odors and depart the room smelling fresh.

If you would like supplementary knowledge with regard to ionic breeze quadra, stop by Frankie Zuisamony’s website soon.


Watch out, dust mites! Maintenance month is on

Maintenance involving my person is getting more demanding as the years go by. First off, the eyes need attention. They are red, itchy, tearing year-round. After a thorough examination, the optometrist prescribed stronger lenses. She also noted that the lids and lashes are inflamed, needing care. On a piece of paper, she jotted down instructions: wash lashes daily, get medication, buy anti-dust-mite covers for mattresses and pillows. The last item on the list gave me pause. What are dust mites? Never heard of them. I left the optometrist's office somewhat perplexed.

At home, as a first step, I looked up the word "mites" in the dictionary. It said that they are "any of various tiny animals." A procrastinator, I put action on dust mites on the back burner and went on to other items.

Next on the agenda was the yearly blood test with its attendant cholesterol results. I bravely went for the test, but somewhat dreaded the cholesterol numbers, because of my consumption of salami and other items on the forbidden list during the past year.

A visit to my ear-nose-andthroat specialist is also a yearly occurrence. A few years ago, I had to admit that the years had taken their toll and my once-perfect hearing was deteriorating, as had previously happened to my eyesight. Asking people to repeat things or giving the wrong answers was getting embarrassing. Now another hearing test has been scheduled, after which I am due to receive a new hearing aid. I think I will finally have to come to terms with the fact that the place for a hearing aid is in my ear and not in the top drawer of my night table where it usually rests.

Another area needing constant care are my teeth. A visit to the dental hygienist is also on the agenda.

Having taken care of my personal needs, I turned my attention to my surroundings. For one thing, my super stereo radio, part of a fairly old component system, has become quite stubborn lately, refusing to budge from the CJAD station, which I once programmed. A visit from a technician has to be scheduled. The venetian-blind cords, too, are showing their age, getting worn, thin and torn. Must get someone to install new ones.

When I called the vacuum cleaner technician to inspect my faulty machine, I was surprised to see that he did not come alone. After the technician examined my machine and suggested repairs, his lady companion showed me their new product, an attractive cylindrical-shaped air purifier. First though, she activated a hand-held gadget that measured air quality in the room that it judged to be "very bad." The lady explained that this was in part because of dust mites in carpets and upholstery. The air purifier, she said, would reduce dust levels in the air, removing the culprits.

My ears perked up. There they were again, the DUST MITES! Though I did not purchase the rather expensive air purifier then and there, I rushed to the computer to check out "dust mites." Did I get an eyeful!

Seems that dust mites, which are microscopic bugs, live on dead skin cells. Though harmless for most people, their waste products, a major component of house dust, can cause allergic reactions, like wheezing, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, even asthma attacks. Since dust mites love a warm and humid environment, mattresses and pillows on beds are their primary habitat. A typical used mattress can contain tens of thousands of these critters, keeping unsuspecting occupants nightly company. Carpeting and upholstery also harbour large numbers of dust mites.

Thoroughly worried, my research finally prodded me into action. I am now the proud owner and user of nifty anti-dust-mite mattress - and pillow covers. I also pay attention to reducing humidity, letting lots of fresh air into rooms and practicing extra cleanliness.

Meantime, though, considering that I am surrounded with dust mites in the rooms and that germs and bacteria are lurking in the kitchen, I decided it would be best to wear a protective armour around the house.

Do Hypoallergenic dogs or cats exist?

Hypoallergenic dogs and cats are often discussed in the media,” Dr. Peter Ranta, our local allergist explains.

Dogs and cats both cause allergies by way of proteins in their saliva and urine. Dander carries these proteins and helps cause the allergy symptoms. “Therefore, a truly hypoallergenic dog or cat does not exist” he states.

However, there are certain ‘hypoallergenic’ dog breeds that produce less dander and shed less. These include: Bedlington Terrier, Bichon Frise, Chinese Crested, Irish Springer Spaniel, Kerry Blue Terrier, Maltese, Poodles, Portuguese Water Dog, Schnauzers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, and Xoloitzcuintli dogs. Some breeders have created ‘Labradoodles’ and ‘Goldendoodles’, which are a cross between a Poodle and a Labrador Retriever or a Golden Retriever. However, these designer dogs have a lot of variability since there is “no guarantee that a litter will produce equal Poodle coats,” per the American Kennel Club. Small dog size may be beneficial due to smaller body surface area and reduced production of dander. Female dogs may produce less allergens. Dogs that bark a lot may produce more saliva proteins.
In regards to cats, less allergenic cats are thought to be female, adult, and short-haired. ‘Hypoallergenic’ cats include the Devon Rex cat and the Sphinx cats according to some sources.

Dr. Ranta outlines some important steps in reducing pet allergen levels, which include: 1) Bathing your pet weekly, which reduces dander levels, 2) Keeping your pet outside (Shelter needed in Michigan), 3) Choosing carpet-free flooring, or shampooing your carpet regularly, 4) Consider choosing a non-furry pet: turtles, frogs, lizards, or fish, 5) Using vent filters in furnaces, 6) Using allergy medications, which can provide temporary relief, and 7) Consider starting allergy shots, a proven method of treating and eliminating dog and cat allergies. Dr. Ranta does not recommend purchasing an Air Purifiers since most of them produce Ozone, which is considered an air pollutant inside the home.

“With proper steps and proper medical treatment, most people can continue to enjoy their pets, even if they have pet allergies” Dr. Ranta notes.


Humanscale products earn Green Good Design Awards

HUMANSCALE’S PERSONAL zone air purifier and Horizon LED task light received awards at the recent 2011 Green Good Design Awards. Judges selected the products as outstanding examples of green design from among hundreds of submissions from more than twenty countries.

The personal zone air purifier is two and a half times more efficient than Energy Star requirements, produces zero ozone and is also the only air purifier to offer recyclable filters. The personal zone air purifier silently and unobtrusively filters out more than 99% of airborne contaminants including dust, smoke, bacteria, allergens, smog, viruses, and volatile organic compounds.

Engineered for incredible efficiency and hassle-free operation over its life span, the striking Horizon task light, featuring Thin Film LED Technology, consumes only nine watts of power and is rated for up to 50,000 hours of use. Its advanced design dramatically minimizes the number of components and simplifies disassembly. Horizon is made from 28% recycled and 99% recyclable material.

The Green Good Design Awards are organized by The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design, and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.


Fireshop offers great range of fire extinguishers with power backup

They have got every specific type of fire extinguishers along with various fire alarm systems and air purifiers as well as water purifiers.

India, September 15, 2011 – Fire is having tremendous potential for destruction. If used properly this energy burning system can come as a great help for civilization. Once we become a little unconscious, fire can cause a lot of devastation. Fire is the worst form of calamity caused by nature and sometimes due to human negligence and some other accidental factors. However, control of this great natural force is in the hand of humans. And people have developed numerous mechanisms to fight fire and control it prior to devastation.

Fire hazards do not come with single damage to the normal system. It has various side effects as well. Fire cuts down electricity, damages the drinking water system and pollutes the air as well as polluting the normal atmosphere with fire carbon and ashes. So while speaking about the fire control mechanism, all these systems should be in focus so as to find an alternative remedy to the fire hazard post consequences.

Fireshop is a professional fire control solution provider with a comprehensive solution to all such problems. They have got every specific type of fire extinguishers along with various fire alarm systems and air purifiers as well as water purifiers. They also offer competent power backup systems with online UPS systems and different alternative sources of power generation. They have tied up with prominent manufactures of water purification systems as well as power generation and backup systems.

Fireshop offers comprehensive range of fire extinguishers for all forms of fire. They also offer diversified Kent water purifiers with Kent tap guard to fight against pollution spread by fire accident. They also offer Mahindra Powerrol along with Mahindra UPS systems for an uninterrupted power supply. They also offer Mahindra inverters to be used in case of power circuit damage due to fire hazard. Their fire extinguishers are branded products from reputed manufacturers, which come as a handy help for the victims under fire.

Speaking about their multi-faceted solution a spokesperson from Fireshop enunciates, -“We offer comprehensive solution regarding fire protection and fire prevention systems. We also include backup support for fire hazards and offer an admirable range of solution for every type of fire related occurrences.

We have a wide network spread across India. If you want our products in your desired city, you can simply cal our numbers or mail us with your order. We take prompt action to offer you your solution within specific predefined time period. If you want emergency next day delivery we can even do that for you if you order us before 2 PM any day. We offer our services round the clock as per the suitability of our esteemed customers. Our products are from different industry majors, which offer you an unmatched reliability with trust on our products and services.”


Air Purifier Presented in New Zealand

Comprising of the Emerald Condenser and the Emerald Evaporator, the new split system has been engineered to use R410A environmentally safe refrigerant. Fully compliant with International green gas standards, the thermodynamic properties of R410A enabled Dometic engineers to increase system efficiency by using fewer amps per capacity.

Based on Dometic’s cutting-edge air conditioning technology, the systems have been designed and refined to maximise performance and durability. The Emerald Split System Series provides increased efficiency by using fewer amps per capacity and offers a refined, quieter system that maximizes performance and durability. The system provides up to 17.5% more cooling capacity and its rotary compressor reduces amperage by up to 40% compared to older counterparts.

The In-Duct Breathe Easy Air Purifier, which was awarded the highly acclaimed IBEX Innovation Award in the Mechanical Systems category at IBEX 2010, is specifically designed to work within the ducting of a yacht’s air conditioning system. Operating silently, it purifies and cleanses air using Photocatalytic Nano-Mesh Technology with UV light. Each time the air circulates it is further purified.

The unit takes up little space and if retrofitted will require no alterations to be made to the vessel’s existing air conditioning unit. There is no need for any mounting hardware as a section of the A/C ducting is cut out and the circular In-Duct Breathe Easy tube simply inserted, then the ducting is reattached to it. The Breathe Easy is available in sizes to match all standard duct diameters.

The In-Duct Breathe Easy has been proven by independent test consultancy, Environmental Diagnostics Laboratory to reduce the presence of harmful mould spores and other contaminants and odours by up to 100%. Inhaled mould is acknowledged by leading experts as a key contributor to health issues such as eye and respiratory tract irritation, sneezing and sore throats.


DeKalb kills proposed smoking ban

Four of the commissioners present agreed with owners of DeKalb’s eight adult clubs and 20 other nightclubs, that the ban would hurt business.

Commissioners Jeff Rader and Kathie Gannon dissented, and Commissioner Lee May was absent.

“I don’t want us going down a slippery slope where we end up telling people what they can do in their own home,” said Larry Johnson, the commission’s presiding officer. “You start in the business realm and we could have some unintended consequences.”

The vote drew out more than 100 supporters and opponents, who have battled over the proposal since the county Board of Health first unveiled it four months ago.

Opponents cited expected business losses – customers of some clubs could travel just a few miles into Fulton or Gwinnett counties to smoke at bars there – as well as the right for clients and customers to make their own choices about smoking.

But supporters argued that second-hand smoke costs every DeKalb household $548 in direct healthcare charges each year.

“We keep hearing about choice, and I wish we did have a choice,” said Gordon Draves, a member of Live Healthy DeKalb. “I would like the choice of not having to pay the medical bills for smokers.”

Compromise appeared a possibility, when some club owners asked not for an outright rejection of the ban but for the chance to install air purifiers and filters in smoking establishments.

Rader also tried a substitute bill, which would have given club owners two years before the ban took effect, to adapt to a new business model and also encourage neighboring counties to adopt similar bans.

That effort failed 4-2, with only Gannon voting with Rader in support.

“I (was) hoping we could move ahead to establish DeKalb as a leader in this area,” Rader said. “DeKalb’s future depends on health, biotech and science industries that take this kind of ordinance very seriously.”

The commission did not discuss some of the less controversial parts of the proposal, such as banning smoking in parks. The board of health did not separate those elements from its overall recommendation, though some expected commissioners to break those items out in order to approve at least part of the proposal.

Johnson said that the commission may elect on its own to revive those pieces, possibly by year’s end.

DeKalb adopted its current smoking ordinance, which bans it in all enclosed workplaces but exempts bars and restaurants where people under 18 cannot work or enter, in 2003 . Georgia adopted a statewide version of that law, the Smokefree Air Act, two years later.


Zadoozy Announces New Warehouse/Showroom Address

Zadoozy, a national ecommerce company on a mission to save busy, health-conscious consumers time, money and frustration by offering only the best products that promote a healthy, clean home, today announced that it has moved into a new warehouse/showroom in Vernon Hills, Illinois. The new showroom and warehouse will allow Zadoozy to house both its sales and administrative offices along with its warehouse and shipping department under one roof.

The new address is 1000 Butterfield Road, Suite 1029, Vernon Hills, Illinois.

Zadoozy, a take on the slang term 'doozy,' meaning something that is extraordinary, has tested hundreds of products and offers only those that have passed their toughest tests—like IQAir air purifiers, Miele vacuum cleaners and Ladybug vapor steam cleaners.

“Zadoozy will help health-conscious consumers across the nation who don’t have the time to comparison shop for themselves,” says a company spokesperson. “Thanks to a talented team of Web designers, architects and engineers, we’ve assembled the best of the best in one secure, easy to use destination.”

Zadoozy is so confident that shoppers you will love their products that they offer a 90-day, no questions asked, money back promise.


Ecomajik Corporation to Offer Air Purifiers to Texas Wildfire Victims

Locally based Ecomajik Corporation announced today it will try to do it's part to help neighbors dealing with smoke damage and health concerns after the wildfires across the Austin, Texas area. The company distributes Air Purifiers with technology designed for NASA for use in the Space Shuttle. These air purifiers have long been used by the Red Cross and were employed by the Defense Department to clean the air in the Pentagon after the 911 attack.

Ecomajik will provide air purifiers to residents on a loan basis without charge. Additionally if residents are interested in purchasing units they have established a special program to help fire victims.

"My husband and I survived the wildfires in San Diego several years back. We know what challenges families have to deal with, even when your home makes it through the crisis untouched. Sometimes smoke damage can linger for weeks or months and is very unhealthy for inhabitants. Our Air Purifiers eliminate smoke and mitigate smoke damage from fires killing all odors and removing contaminants from the air." noted Susan Braun Ecomajik Corporation President. "Breathing this contaminated air can be very hazardous to your health, especially if your are an "at risk" individual." she added.

Residents in Bastrop, Moonglow, Steiner Ranch, Pedernales, Union Chapel, Luther Hill, and surrounding areas qualify for the free loan of equipment while supplies last. The air purifiers remove all contaminants from the air in homes and sanitize exposed surfaces as well. About the size of a bookshelf speaker they can clean a home up to 3,000 sq feet.


Ecomajik Corporation To Offer Air Purifiers to Texas Wildfire Victims

Locally based Ecomajik Corporation announced today it will try to do it's part to help neighbors dealing with smoke damage and health concerns after the wildfires across the Austin, Texas area. The company distributes Air Purifiers with technology designed for NASA for use in the Space Shuttle. These air purifiers have long been used by the Red Cross and were employed by the Defense Department to clean the air in the Pentagon after the 911 attack.

Ecomajik will provide air purifiers to residents on a loan basis without charge. Additionally if residents are interested in purchasing units they have established a special program to help fire victims.

"My husband and I survived the wildfires in San Diego several years back. We know what challenges families have to deal with, even when your home makes it through the crisis untouched. Sometimes smoke damage can linger for weeks or months and is very unhealthy for inhabitants. Our Air Purifiers eliminate smoke and mitigate smoke damage from fires killing all odors and removing contaminants from the air." noted Susan Braun Ecomajik Corporation President. "Breathing this contaminated air can be very hazardous to your health, especially if your are an "at risk" individual." she added.

Residents in Bastrop, Moonglow, Steiner Ranch, Pedernales, Union Chapel, Luther Hill, and surrounding areas qualify for the free loan of equipment while supplies last. The air purifiers remove all contaminants from the air in homes and sanitize exposed surfaces as well. About the size of a bookshelf speaker they can clean a home up to 3,000 sq feet.


Centennial College celebrates completion of Progress Avenue campus in Toronto

A building designed to meet the needs of an expanding student population in the digital age has opened at Centennial College’s flagship campus on Progress Avenue.

Designed by Diamond and Schmitt Architects and constructed by EllisDon, the 103,500-square-foot library and academic facility combines a wide range of learning and study spaces.

Included are 22 classrooms, a 200-seat auditorium, double-height library, learning labs, academic offices and a light-filled atrium that serves as a central meeting point on campus.

A four-storey biofilter living wall is the centerpiece of the atrium and acts as a natural air purifier for the building.

Diamond and Schmitt pioneered the commercial application of this technology developed by Nedlaw Living Walls as part of an ongoing commitment to sustainable design solutions.

LEED Gold is being targeted for the building, constructed at a cost of just over $34 million.

“The design of this building is welcoming, inspirational and suffused with natural light,” said Donald Schmitt, a principal with Diamond and Schmitt Architects.

The project was undertaken by a team that included structural engineers Blackwell Bowick Partnership Ltd., mechanical engineers Crossey Engineering Ltd. and electrical engineers Mulvey and Banani International Ltd. A striking combination of brick, copper and composite wood is featured on the exterior cladding.

A sequence of glazed vertical bays on the north façade extends across the roof line to harvest daylight that reaches deep into the core to expose 75 per cent of the floor plate to natural light.

Responsive to new and adaptive ways of learning, the building provides more than 250 study, research and collaborative work spaces for students with an array of technologies available, including workstations, media-viewing carrels for small groups, technology studios that match the presentation capabilities of classrooms, video conferencing and wireless network access throughout.

“Just as building technology and materials have changed, so too have our expectations of a college library,” said Centennial College president Ann Buller.

“Students today are much more apt to study in groups; they access resource materials with wireless devices; and expect to gather rare archival information within seconds, not working days. For all these reasons, Centennial’s new library plays a pivotal role in providing a supportive learning environment.”

Classrooms on the first and second floors accommodate 1,900 students in traditional and theatre-style room configurations.

The auditorium, atrium, a café and gallery are also located on the ground floor. The third floor houses the library, special collections, archives, library offices and a variety of study spaces, including labs for individual and group study.

Additional meeting rooms, silent study areas and offices for Centennial’s senior administrators comprise the top floor.

All spaces in the building overlook the four-storey atrium in the centre of the building accessed by circular corridors.

Along with the biowall, other sustainable features include a rainwater-collection system for reuse in washrooms and a green roof on the auditorium.


Demand green features from your builder

When you buy a new house, before it’s built, you get to choose from the variety of styles and floor plans the builder offers, as well as options and upgrades on details and finishes. Depending on the builder, sometimes the options and choices of upgrades are very limited. Most times, those options are limited to finishes. Rarely do they offer green upgrades, or upgrades on what matters most: what’s behind the walls.

A lot of builders and building companies have model homes, or even a design centre you can visit to help you decide on the finishes and upgrades you might want to add. What’s on display is always finishes. It’s never the insulation, the drywall or tile underlayment. You’ll never see air purifiers on display or added as an extra appliance.

Energy Star appliances are standard now with new homes, and they are built to minimum code standards with regard to construction, building envelope, insulation.

But what about green upgrades?

Some leading green builders offer features such as solar rooftop photovoltaic (PV) and solar hot-water pre-heating rough-ins for those who want that option. And lots are coming on board with low/no VOC paints, and maybe some bamboo flooring. But that’s about it, I’m sad to say.

That’s all driven by consumer demand. Builders will build what sells, so it’s up to you to demand upgrades that will really increase the value of your home.

What do homebuyers think is important when they invest in their new homes?

Everyone is concerned about indoor air quality, and the effects of mould and allergens on their families’ health. But how many people are even aware of the upgrades they can have that will improve that indoor air quality? The type of insulation you choose, the type of cabinets and flooring, all contribute to the indoor air quality. What about adding an air-purifying system or premium HEPA filtration to your HVAC?

Some people will advise you to choose your upgrades based on future resale of your home. That’s fine, but who’s to say a brushed nickel faucet will still be fashionable when your home goes on the market? Will cherry cabinets be in, or will painted wood? Is your money better spent on a granite countertop or on a properly insulated basement and attic?

A finished basement is a popular one. But for me, this is one of the real traps of a “builder upgrade.” Guaranteed: If you opt for this upgrade, you will have a basement finished to minimum code. That’s all that’s required. And that will be a complete waste of your money — in either a short time or a slightly longer time — when you need to tear everything out because it’s tainted with mould.

Conventional wisdom says that spending your upgrade money on kitchen and bathrooms will repay you. But I say that every penny you invest in an upgrade that improves your home’s efficiency will repay you, too.

I say, when your budget is limited — and whose isn’t? — spend your upgrade money on the places you can’t get to later: behind the walls. You can always upgrade a standard finish to something pricier later, if you want to. But you can’t easily change your insulation or the underlayment beneath your tiles or replace your standard drywall with mould-resistant.


NASA ponders ways to grow a garden on Mars mission

We've all tried the packets of freeze-dried "astronaut food" at one point or another, so it's not surprising to find out that those packets — and even the more modern types of space food — probably won't be enough to keep space travelers sated and healthy on a multi-year journey. With NASA planning a mission to Mars that could take five years or more to arrive at the Red Planet, the question facing researchers now is: how do we feed them?

According to NASA, one solution might be a vegetable garden or some other type of self-replenishing food supply that would reduce the amount of food that needs to be on the spacecraft at launch.

"[The amount of food required to keep astronauts fed] is a clear impediment to a lot of mission scenarios," said Maya R. Cooper, a senior research scientist in NASA's Space Food Systems Laboratory, during a recent meeting of the American Chemical Society. "We need new approaches."

Currently, astronauts require around 3.8 pounds of food per day for missions into space and aboard the International Space Station. That means a five-year mission to Mars and back would need almost 7,000 pounds of food for each astronaut.

A garden aboard the spacecraft could eliminate some of that food burden, though — and it's one of the potential solutions being explored. Not only would a "kitchen garden" provide healthy food for the astronauts, but it would also serve as an air purifier of sorts, converting the astronauts' exhaled carbon dioxide to oxygen.

"Right now, we are looking at the possibility of implementing a bioregenerative system that would involve growing crops in space and possibly shipping some bulk commodities to a Mars habitat as well," explained Cooper. "This scenario involves much more food processing and meal preparation than the current food system developed for the space shuttles and the International Space Station."

While that's all well and good, we're a bit surprised that NASA hasn't considered another option: Twinkies. Lightweight, invulnerable to decay, and delicious, they could very well be the perfect third option for keeping astronauts fueled on their way to Mars.

So, think about it, NASA: Twinkies. Consider it a freebie from your friends here.


Consider green options

When you buy a new house, before it's built, you get to choose from the variety of styles and floor plans the builder offers, as well as options and upgrades on details and finishes. Depending on the builder, sometimes the options and choices of upgrades are very limited. Most times, those options are limited to finishes. Rarely do they offer green upgrades, or upgrades on what matters most: what's behind the walls.

A lot of builders and building companies have model homes, or even a design centre you can visit to help you decide on the finishes and upgrades you might want to add. What's on display is always finishes. It's never the insulation, the drywall or tile underlayment. You'll never see air purifiers on display or added as an extra appliance.

Energy Star appliances are standard now with new homes, and they are built to minimum code standards with regard to construction, building envelope, insulation.

But what about green upgrades?

Some leading green builders offer features such as solar rooftop photovoltaic (PV) and solar hot-water pre-heating rough-ins for those who want that option. And lots are coming on board with low/no VOC paints, and maybe some bamboo flooring. But that's about it, I'm sad to say.

That's all driven by consumer demand. Builders will build what sells, so it's up to you to demand upgrades that will really increase the value of your home.

What do homebuyers think is important when they invest in their new homes?

Everyone is concerned about indoor air quality, and the effects of mould and allergens on their families' health. But how many people are even aware of the upgrades they can have that will improve that indoor air quality? The type of insulation you choose, the type of cabinets and flooring, all contribute to the indoor air quality. What about adding an air-purifying system or premium HEPA filtration to your HVAC?

Some people will advise you to choose your upgrades based on future resale of your home. That's fine, but who's to say a brushed nickel faucet will still be fashionable when your home goes on the market? Will cherry cabinets be in, or will painted wood? Is your money better spent on a granite countertop or on a properly insulated basement and attic?

A finished basement is a popular one. But for me, this is one of the real traps of a 'builder upgrade.' Guaranteed: If you opt for this upgrade, you will have a basement finished to minimum code. That's all that's required. And that will be a complete waste of your money - in either a short time or a slightly longer time - when you need to tear everything out because it's tainted with mould.

Conventional wisdom says that spending your upgrade money on kitchen and bathrooms will repay you. But I say that every penny you invest in an upgrade that improves your home's efficiency will repay you, too.

I say, when your budget is limited - and whose isn't? - spend your upgrade money on the places you can't get to later: behind the walls. You can always upgrade a standard finish to something pricier later, if you want to. But you can't easily change your insulation or the underlayment beneath your tiles or replace your standard drywall with mould-resistant.

The consumer decisions always seem to be: Do you want the premium kitchen cabinets or the standard? Do you want a granite countertop or laminate? What kind of tile do you want in the bathroom?