
Air Purifiers Can Help People Suffering from Asthma and Other Breathing Difficulties

Allergies are a distressing condition and there are plenty of people who suffer from

them. Sneezing, watery, puffy eyes are just two of the more common symptoms of a

allergy sufferer but many have problems breathing as well. The probability that this

will occur is at some time of the year, most likely during flowers start to bloom and

pollens start to scatter.It may also depend on the area you live in because some areas

are more contaminated with these impurities than others. Allergy relief purifiers are a

relatively new discovery, designed to help sufferers but are they any good?

You don't have to be outside for allergies to hit you so an electronic air cleaner can

be of use in the home and it's a known fact that you will experience more contaminants

in your home than anywhere else. Our homes are like enclosed spaces where we breathe in

and out the same air on a continuous basis. Attacks that can set off very quickly may

be caused by some of the common things found at home such as the dust and dust mites.

The function of the allergy relief electronic air cleaner or air purifier is to purify

the circulating air which you are breathing and eradicate all the floating particles

which are behind the attacks.

Since most of the allergy relief electronic air cleaners or air purifiers are made in

portable form, you can use it in any room and carry it along anywhere in the house as

all it needs is to be plugged to an outlet.Some units of these units can get rid of

other odors that can trigger attacks such as those coming from the perfume or air

fresheners aside from dust and dust mites.They could also entrap all the smoke or smoke

odors which also sometimes start an attack, so that you no longer have to be a passive

smoker.A smoker usually carries the smoke smell on their hands, hair and clothes so

every time you sit close to a smoker you can expect an attack forthcoming. The job of

the electronic air cleaner is to entrap the smoke and the smoke smell and pass it

through its filtering system to release only fresh clean oxygen which you then breathe


There is no problem in procuring electronic air cleaners as they are abundantly

available in a wide selection of outlets like home improvement stores or stores which

stock clothes, groceries and other types of home improvement items. Several types of

units are available in the market with many made specifically for domestic use. There

are units designed for room use only and some for utilization around the house with

some pieces that be placed into your car or truck are also available as well as units

that are necklace-like in form which you can bring along with you to give you filtered

air wherever you go. I have even seen an allergy relief electronic air cleaner built in

to your cat box to remove odors!

Hopefully we've helped you out and gave you some useful and much needed advice on the

power of home air purifiers. Take care and be healthy.


Ranger Netpreneurs Provides Legitimate Air Purifier Reviews

Investing in a good air purifier is a tough decision to make considering the number of

brands and models that are available from a wide range of manufacturers. While such a

vast variety is helpful because you can always pick up an air purifier that is ideal

for the space that you need it installed in, the range of options and features that

each of them have can be truly mind boggling. This is exactly where a professional and

trusted company like Ranger Netpreneurs steps in to help you take the right decisions

and ensure that you get great value for your money at the same time.

Their website bestairpurifierreviews.org is an affiliate website that is created to

cater to their buyers who are interested in buying an air purifier and are on the

lookout for reliable and trustworthy information that is authentic and helpful. The

website is a treasure house of a lot of information regarding air purifier reviews and

ratings. This hub of information has been created to store a lot of information based

on plenty of
market research and analysis to help potential buyers pick up the best air purifiers.

Additionally, the reviews from satisfied customers on this line of products help the

end users make well-informed and correct decisions to pick up the product that is

tailored to their needs and requirements.

These ratings are recommendations are solely based on objectivity and sound business

analysis. Ranger Netpreneurs consults the reports generated by the Home Appliance

Manufacturers (AHAM), Consumer Reports (CR) and AllergyBuyersClub.com known as
CADR reports. Air purifier ratings are also obtained from other sources like some of

the major online shopping sites and portals that include, but are not limited to

Amazon, Walmart, Target, Costco.com, Buy.com, etc that are populated with credible

customer reviews from people who own the product and have used it for some time. They

take into consideration various factors like the noise levels of the air purifiers,

their ease of use, effectiveness, convenience, price, life span of the filter,

manufacturer reputation, warranty and the harm to users.


Three Simple Steps for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Since 2008, Americans have observed National Care About Your Indoor Air Month during

the month of February. This annual event is an opportunity for indoor air quality

experts and health advocates to come together and educate consumers about the need for

creating better indoor air quality. To honor this month, Sylvane, an online retailer of

high-quality air treatment products and a 10-year proponent of creating healthier

indoor environments, offers consumers three simple steps for improving their indoor air


1.    Identify Indoor Pollution Sources

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports that indoor air can be two to five

times more polluted than the air outdoors. Since Americans spend up to 90 percent of

their time indoors, this results in a greater risk of exposure to indoor air

pollutants. These pollutants can ultimately lead to a variety of conditions, including

asthma and other respiratory illnesses, allergies, irritated eyes, burning of the

throat and nose, headaches, fatigue, heart disease, and even cancer.

"The first step toward improving your indoor air quality is to look for possible

sources of pollution in your home," said Steven Hong, president of Sylvane. "Some

common indicators of indoor air quality problems are excessive dust, mold, mildew,

musty odors, pet hair and dander, insects, fumes from gas-burning appliances, and, of

course, secondhand smoke."

While some pollutants seem obvious, other pollutants may not be as easily detected,

Hong explained. "Yet, those pollutants pose equally serious health risks," he said. For

example, radon -- the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers -- cannot be seen,

smelled, or tasted. The only way to find out if a home has dangerous levels of radon

gas is to install a radon detector, such as the Safety Siren Pro Series 3 Radon Gas


2.    Eliminate or Reduce Indoor Pollution Sources

"Once the major sources of pollution have been identified, you should take steps to

eliminate or reduce their effect on the indoor environment," Hong said. "Oftentimes,

this involves simple repairs such as using dehumidifiers to reduce excess moisture

contributing to mold growth, sealing cracks and crevices to control pest problems,

fixing issues with gas-burning appliances, or using allergy bedding to reduce exposure

to dust mites." However, Hong warns, if a home suffers from serious indoor

contamination problems like bed bugs, toxic mold, or extremely high levels of radon,

homeowners should contact a qualified indoor air quality professional for remediation.

3.    Maintain Healthy Indoor Air Quality

After the immediate indoor air problems have been corrected, consumers should take

proactive steps to maintain their now-healthier indoor environment. Hong, a longtime

user of air purifiers for allergy relief, recommends that homeowners add an air

purifier to their environment to help control particle and gaseous pollutants. "By

removing odors, pollen, dust, dander and illness-causing bacteria, air purifiers help

you maintain the cleanest, healthiest air possible," he said.